Friday, May 8, 2009

Education System

I strongly believe primary education has got nothing to do with what's your future is, but it's the basis of all that you do for the rest of your life... come on, don't blame that our system is not good enough... obviously I agree, there is always a room for improvement in everything; administration, security, employment, education, blah blah blah... You could have never thought of any better thing if you are not a literate. Things change and change forever... Won't it not be boring if you have the same stuffs everyday? The reason why I feel our education system is OK is we got to know about what we see everyday...the speed at which the tubelight glows, the sickenss we get thru pollution, the reason why we are thirsty (all about energy!)... We get to know how much is one rupee, how many states are there in India, the languages spoken, who are the leaders, etc, etc.

It's clear... with this kind of education, you should think enough to learn for the rest of your life... if you are not, then you haven't learnt the art of learning. Learning is a continuous process and the schools teach you the basics and you got to be smart enough to pick the technic of learning. Otherwise you will end up blaming the system u had gone through as most of the people do.

You learn in schools the art of "how to learn the rest of your life." Do we really? How many people are matured enough to look for learnings everyday they live in this earth? Do they really concerned about this lifelong learning? Okay, that's altogether is a different topic. Let's talk about that later.

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