Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Roles

Our roles – I have compared mine even at some places.

As a person:
Over these years, I have had very Little time to think about myself and how am I useful to my family, friends, society, to the extended society (I mean my office where I spend x% of my lifetime – this is something I want to change, let’s talk about that later), to neighbours, to (un)known persons, etc, etc. My analysis got me a result, where I found myself somewhat better than OK while interacting with everyone, I don’t (to be frank, can’t even) expect a mastery here. Some people out in my circle could have expected so many things from me, which I could have not fulfilled (un)intentionally, it depends on who are they! As I said in my earlier posts, some people deserves a NO, some deserves a STRICT NO. But these are very good learning for me for the entire lifetime. After all we learn by our own mistakes.

We learn…
…by the life… of our own…

We live better…
…by experiences…of our own…

We get experiences…
…by mistakes…of our own…

I have done so many mistakes again (un)intentionally – but learnt from everything – either that we can escape from any damn bad thing or getting trapped for a silly mistake. So I know my morality. After all its my life. I got to decide without compromising the behaviour I got to follow with everyone I interact. Simple, I got to live without hurting others. Sometimes, I get hurt badly in order to keep this principle intact. The mistake out here is I getting hurt because of someone/something that is not worth it. I got to learn J

As a professional:
This is one thing which I like to write about. Either you can be master-blaster or a master-piece, you got to have an open mind in the professional area of your life. All five fingers are not the one and the same. So, get ready for the change. CHANGE is the key area in this environment. No matter, whether you work for a government organization, or an enterprise, or a NGO, or an IT/ITES firm, you got to maintain the spirit and individuality without affecting the essence. Of course, you have got your own individuality (great or not doesn’t matter – you can learn it anytime.) Need for the hour is you with your own attitude. Needn’t be a leader, at least be a follower. If you can step forward and create foot paths for others to follow, fair enough. If not, even that is fair enough. Let’s learn the things we miss. Willingness to learn is the primary thing. I have been in these two places. I love to learn.

Expectations are less for a professional. Work for yourselves, not for anyone. Talking about rewards and recognitions, they will follow if you have a good attitude.

As a student:
I am fascinated to see me as a student (18 years of education.) I hardly remember that I studied, went to tuition. I never did that. But I studied on my own. Leave out the students who study day and night, over-night study (something freaky), etc, etc. I have had a very good college experience, rocking on every possible thing, right from classroom sessions and seminars to national level symposiums and inter-collegiate events. I am a good listener (which I am proud of being one) so as I stayed with my friends, I got to teach them what I listened in the class (sometimes, after referring some notes.) My friends were so happy to have me with them, I used to tell them the short tricks and tips in passing the minimum required score (most of the students wanted this way of study) And the most important thing is I am the last bencher (ask anyone about the last benchers – they would tell you the story) and my lecturers would always wanted me to be somewhere else other the last bench. I used to put a smile on my face telling them, I am very fine with this place. Neither my parents nor my relatives asked me to study hard to score better. When my friends used to study for good grades, I used to tell them, a good score doesn’t mean that the study was good. Scoring is different, as it depends on many criteria. But skill is important, which is not evaluated in most of the exams. I have everything learnt (not studied) and I used to learn more from the life that I led, than from the books and guides. I am still learning. Schools are those break-through points where you study how to learn throughout the rest of your life. Let’s learn.

Keep going.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Quotes I like...

· If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep.
· The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.
· Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
· The best vitamin for making friends....B1.
· The 10 commandments are not multiple choices.
· The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
· Minds are like parachutes...they function only when open.
· Ideas won't work unless YOU do.
· One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.
· One who lacks the courage to start has already finished.
· The heaviest thing to carry is a grudge.
· Don't learn safety rules by accident.
· One thing you can give and still keep your word.
· The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!
· You would achieve more, if you don't mind who gets the credit.
· When everything else is lost, the future still remains.
· Don't fight too much. Or the enemy would know your art of war.
· The only job you start at the top is when you dig a grave.
· If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything.
· If you do little things well, you'll do big ones better.
· Only thing that comes to you without effort is old age.
· You won't get a second chance to make the first impression.
· Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
· Never take a problem to your boss unless you have a solution.
· If you are not failing you're not taking enough risks.
· Don't try to get rid of bad temper by losing it.
· If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
· There are two kinds of failures. Those who think and never do, and those who do and never think.
· The best way to kill an idea is to take it to a meeting.
· Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.
· Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine…
· We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.
· Where there is great love, there are always wishes.
· Anyone can hate. It costs to love.
· Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
· Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door.
· No Matter what you do there will be critics.
· If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ரொம்ப நல்லது...

நுரையீரல் நிறைய புகை பழக்கம் - உண்டு...
மூக்கு முட்ட மதுவும் உண்டு...
கூத்தியாளும் கூட...
ஆனால்... அதிகாலையில்...
கடற்கரையில் ஓடடம்
உடம்புக்கு நல்லதாம்!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Road Ahead

Today is the last day for the ballots as it closes the election curtain and May 16th will be the result... Okay, a new government is however going to be formed...(may be a coalition) with the battles between the parties... and the compromises on the politician's sins, defaults...etc etc...and the literal word fighting between the contestants...and the silly promises of gifts during elections... leave all those... however govt is going to be formed... the road ahead for the new government is a clean slate where they MUST reiterate, revamp, initialize the existing/new policies across the nation.

Infrastructure is the main area that needs to be addressed. Release of Tata's nano will invoke chaos in the country's roadways...National highway projects are in hault because of lack of funds, recession hit, and other consecutive factors. Steel consumption is going to hit hard in the near future and as well as power. Power cuts have become a mandate for all the houses... National security has become a bigger concern. No stringent action against the ill-doers (I strongly feel that these culprits are in india as well) are taken. Without internal support, no plans would work this way as it had happended several times, we have seen the latest in Mumbai. It's like slapping the same face again and again as there is no objection. Isn't shame on us? Govt should do something or the other in this... let me put this way... PUNISH the CULPRITs... there seems to be no other way to stop these.

Last but not least, regulations, law and order, governance, administration needs to be streamlined with proper new/revamp of policies.

The way ahead shouldn't be a choice.

My kind of love...

What could be greater than love? A feeling that oneself has for his/her beloved and doesn't change no matter what. I have had this experience enough for my lifetime... we interacted, laughed, quarreled, discussed, impressed each other, treasured each other, valued, felt, loved and ...lived...

Love - cherished at heart and immortal gradually growing towards its extremeness (may be mad, madder or maddest - I enjoy going with it, its all how you take it up...)

She was an angel from above. She was the first to touch me ;) When I am scared, she soothed me with her gentle, soft hands wiping away my tears. She understands my silence, my tears, my smiles, my anger, my everything and She is my life. Her heart, I am sure, that's where I am going to live for ever and ever. The happiest days of my life were spent in her arms... She never used to get angry whatever I do... Here comes my MOM.

I love you mom ever and ever, no matter whatever happens. I know your value and appreciate for being the best in my life...

Mom, your...
One Word...
One Prayer...
One Song...
One Tear...
...would do wonders in me...

Monday, May 11, 2009

...being a lighthouse...

Always a pleasure to keep others happy and smiling, taking the pains and sorrows with you. I have had this experience with all my kins&kiths. No wonder, I am a kind of outcast now... Thought of breaking up all the myths and unrealistic traditions, and landed up learning the lessons that life teaches you throughout the entire lifecycle. During this learning, I got so many questions unanswered and unsolved, as it goes, it is always true that some questions doesn't have any answers :( ...hmmm. back to the topic of being the lighthouse... sometimes, you find yourself happier, happier than ever before when you shed tears for others.


Throughout my life, that I have lived up until now... I have gone thru some people (yet to see so many) who used me to any extent and who really shared their joys and sorrows with me as a true friend. Nothing could stop me from cherishing all the moments I had these days... I have been a mentor, friend, teacher, guide, counsellor, to all kind of people. I loved the pleasure in giving. And following words say it all.

"Absolutely everything we do, give, say or even think, it's like a boomerang. It will come back to us. If we want to receive, we need to learn to give first... Maybe we will end with our hands empty, but... our hearts filled with love... And those who love life, have that feeling marked in their hearts." - Steven Covey

Yes, Giving is far better than expecting.
This is the secret of being happy with the life.


Books are my assets and I have been tasting a fruitful ROI on this asset always and always. A person who can think never feels boredom in his/her life. A person who read, read and read never goes without any thoughts. There are so many things in this world to think about, poverty, LPG (i mean Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation), economy, war, history, love, etc, etc. Hey, we got to think about ourselves sometimes...right? I enjoy doing that. Coming back to reading, this is one habit that cannot be cultivated unless you have the desire to learn as you grow older. The level of maturity and intelligence (as well as the untapped potential within you) grow as you read...provided you read between the lines and implement them (if it can be) on your day-to-day life. Don't say me you don't have time to read. Reading is not an effort, it's an investment. Unless you understand this, you will never have time. Reading is pleasure, and it has to be treasured. Shall we?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Education System

I strongly believe primary education has got nothing to do with what's your future is, but it's the basis of all that you do for the rest of your life... come on, don't blame that our system is not good enough... obviously I agree, there is always a room for improvement in everything; administration, security, employment, education, blah blah blah... You could have never thought of any better thing if you are not a literate. Things change and change forever... Won't it not be boring if you have the same stuffs everyday? The reason why I feel our education system is OK is we got to know about what we see everyday...the speed at which the tubelight glows, the sickenss we get thru pollution, the reason why we are thirsty (all about energy!)... We get to know how much is one rupee, how many states are there in India, the languages spoken, who are the leaders, etc, etc.

It's clear... with this kind of education, you should think enough to learn for the rest of your life... if you are not, then you haven't learnt the art of learning. Learning is a continuous process and the schools teach you the basics and you got to be smart enough to pick the technic of learning. Otherwise you will end up blaming the system u had gone through as most of the people do.

You learn in schools the art of "how to learn the rest of your life." Do we really? How many people are matured enough to look for learnings everyday they live in this earth? Do they really concerned about this lifelong learning? Okay, that's altogether is a different topic. Let's talk about that later.